Practicing the art and craft of silversmithing for over 20 years, Anderson has shown her work in over 30 galleries and juried exhibitions across the USA and Canada. She first studied under metal artist Vesta Ward in Southern California where Anderson fell in love with working in metal. Desiring to elevate her art form beyond mere adornment, she began to create works in silver that could be framed and displayed like other works of art. Her skill has been recognized with government commissions and design awards, including a prestigious NICHE award for her hand made sterling silver eyewear.
Anderson now shares her years of experience and love of the craft at SilverWorks, the metalsmithing studio, classroom and gallery located at historic Glen Echo Park.
About the Artist
Blair Anderson, Metalsmith
About the Collection
The Collection
These items are sold
These items are not for sale
The Silver Speaks; Stories in Wearable Art - The 2010 Collection by Blair Anderson, Metalsmith
Inquiries regarding the remaining items in the collection should be directed to blair@silverworksglenechopark.com